Dear Friends,

This is about you.

I have been writing my newsletter since April of 2009, the year I turned pro. Since then I've benefited from your interest in my art. Either obliquely or directly, you have made my career possible. You might have been there from the beginning or you might have joined last week. Either way, I am indebted to you.

UN|realism is a show for you. Only a small fraction of my supporters and fans ever have the chance to physically attend a gallery opening featuring my work. It would be nice if art was accessible and enjoyed without restriction. That's why this upcoming solo show will be an entirely online event. Everyone gets to see the unveiling of my new work at the exact same time and in the exact same manner, no matter where you live. And for those who buy art, everything will be available for instant purchase. Mark your calendars:

May 17th, 2015.  Sunday 6-9 PM  Pacific Daylight Time

Here, in your homes, on the internet. Enjoy some wine and cheese. Invite your friends. This will be an interactive experience! 

On May 17th at 6pm PDT, my new body of work will be unveiled on your computer or device. During the 6-9pm window there will be an Opening Reception Chat Room (text only) where we can gather and interact. Drop in, say hello, view the paintings, and type some questions and comments if you like!

There will also be a LIMITED number of Video Chat Sessions that I am scheduling for the hours prior to 6pm. Priority will be given to those of you who plan to invite friends and host your own reception gatherings, as well as to those who are already patrons of my work. However, neither condition is necessary and I will try to accommodate as many requests as possible. My desire is to interact with you, my supporters. Recipients of a video session will also be granted an advance preview of the show. 

("ADVANCE PREVIEW ONLY" is available for D.Cheifetz patrons, including collectors AND/OR workshop attendees)